Opening hours:
Library: 7:30 – 15:30 (Monday – Friday)
Reading room: 8:00 – 16:00 (Monday – Friday)
The University of Novi Sad Central Library Reading Room has been reopen for public, starting from May 9th, 2022. The Reading Room is situated in the Pavilion on the plateau of the Central University Building (Dr Zorana Đinđića 1, Novi Sad), during working days from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. There are 20 seats available.
University of Novi Sad
Central Library
Dr Zorana Đinđića 1
21102 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia
Phone: +381 21 485-2040
Fax: + 381 21 450-418
The fields covered by collections: interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific fields – European Studies, Studies in Higher Education, Science, Gender Studies, Entrepreneurship, Management in Education / Sport / Applied Arts, Environmental Protection, Conflict Transformation, Children’s Rights, Canadian Studies, Career Development, Applied Statistics and many others.
The total number of publications: 29,611 (25,190 books, 3,458 issues of periodicals and 973 graduatel theses)
The number of periodicals: 581
Databases (to which the Library provides access): KoBSON gives access to researchers who are employed in academic, research and medical institutions founded by the Government of the Republic of Serbia and which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia. Students can have access to these databases in the libraries at their faculties, or in the Central Library of the University of Novi Sad. KoBSON subscribed to the publications of the following publishers, aggregators and databases:
Publishers: Am Chem Soc, Am Inst Phys, Am Psych Assoc, ASME, Cambridge, Emerald, Inst Phys Publ, Oxford Journals, RSC, SAGE, Science Direct, Springer/Kluwer, Wiley
Aggregators (accessible with an embargo or with a delay of three months to a year): EBSCO, Hein On Line, High Wire, Free Medical, HINARI, JSTOR,, DOAJ, Project MUSE, TEEAL, Scindeks, DoiSerbia
Electronic books: Cleveland Med Index, EBSCO eBook, Google Books, DOAB, Hein On Line, PubMed knjige, Science Direct, Springer
Index databases: INIS, MEDLINE, SCOPUS, SCIndeks, SciFinder, Web of Science
Electronic catalogues: BISIS
Available at:
Digital repository: Digital library of theses of the University of Novi Sad:
Available at:
Head of Central Library: Mirjana Brković, PhD, library consultant
Central Library of the University of Novi Sad has implemented high technological and organizational standards that provide a model for the faculty and institute libraries.
One of the main development projects in this field should enable the users of the library collections to read text automatically by the means of information technology and the so-called speech synthesizer.
The speech synthesizer vocalizing text in Serbian was developed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the company AlfaNum in Novi Sad. It enables the automatic synthesis of audio editions of books in Serbian. Software transforms the given text in Serbian into clear speech very similar to human voice. The aim of the project is to create audio editions of the collections in the libraries and make them accessible for the students and the whole academic community.
The development of the high quality synthesized speech in Serbian enabled easier comprehension, longer listening periods and better recollection during the process of listening of audio books. The quality of synthesized speech continues to be improved by the means of projects that are the result of mutual cooperation of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Sciences and some other institutions in Serbia.
In the near future, it is expected that the range of speaker’s voices used for the creation of synthesized speech should be expanded (the user will be able to choose the voice) and that the synthesized should be complemented by adequate emotional tones and other elements that contribute to the natural effect of the synthesized speech.
Audio books will allow people with disabilities to have the same rights and privileges in the process of education. Not only does it enable people with vision impairment to have easier, faster and more independent access to books, but it also makes the process of reading easier to people with other types of physical disabilities, as well as to people suffering from dyslexia and other types of learning disorders.
Other students at the University of Novi Sad are also interested in listening to audio books because in that way they can study while having a rest or a walk, or without straining their eyes, in public transport, etc. Last but not least, the editions of audio books are an invaluable resource for everyone who studies Serbian.
Central Library of the University of Novi Sad has a role to integrate and support all faculty and institute libraries from one place, as well as other libraries that have technical and organizational capacities for the development and usage of audio books.
As a result of some project activities, an extranet network will be created, which will manage all faculties and institutes that constitute a part of the University of Novi Sad.
Head of Project,Vlado Delić, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Novi Sad.
University of Novi Sad
Central Library
Dr Zorana Đinđića 1
21102 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia
Phone: + 381 21 485-2040
Fax: +381 21 450-418
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