Meals for students in Novi Sad are provided by the Students’ Centre Novi Sad in three restaurants and six canteens. The canteens are located in the following student dormitories: ʻSajmišteʼ, ʻNovi Bʼ, ʻŽivojin Ćulumʼ, ʻSlobodan Bajićʼ, at the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Academy of Arts.
The student restaurants can be found at the following addresses in Novi Sad:
1. Restaurant 1, at 20 Mihajla Pupina Boulevard,
2. Restaurant 3, at 4 Dr Sime Miloševića Street,
3. Restaurant 4, at 5 Vladimira Perića Valtera Street.
The students who use food services provided by the Students’ Centre Novi Sad must possess a Student Card. The Student Card serves as an identification document for payment of food services and keeping records of meals attended.
The instructions for card issuance:
1. Students should get the Card Issuance Request, fill it in and have it certified at the Faculty. There are 3 categories of the request:
– the students whose studies are financed from the budget are entitled to all three meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner; the maximum number of meals per type is equal to the number of days in the current month; the same meal type can be used up to 2 times a day; skipped meals are transferred to the following month (only if the Student Card is registered in the system in the following month (checkout counter, student restaurant), whereas meals are not transferred to the third month, if the card is not used for a month); the subsidized price is charged for a meal,
– the students whose residence is in the place where they are undertaking their studies: are only entitled to have lunch; the maximum number of lunches is equal to the number of days in the current month; they can have lunch up to 2 times a day; skipped meals are transferred to the following month (only if the Student Card is registered in the system (checkout counter, student restaurant)); the subsidized price is charged for a meal,
– the self-financing students: are entitled to all three meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner; the maximum number of meals per type is equal to the number of days in the current month; the same meal type can be used up to 2 times a day; skipped meals are transferred to the following month (only if the Student Card is registered in the system (checkout counter, student restaurant)); the bargain price is charged for a meal.
2. Students should enclose the certified record card and the Student’s ID Booklet for inspection, take a photograph of themselves at the cafeteria’s checkout counter and make payment for card issuance, as well as for the token for cutlery, if the student is using food services for the first time. The token is valid during the whole study period and it is non-refundable as well as the money paid for using the token.
3. The Student Card is collected within 2 days and it can be used from that point onwards (to purchase meals – at the checkout counter, to have meals – at student restaurants).
Working hours of the cafeterias’ checkout counters: Monday - Friday: 7:00-13:00 (one Saturday in a month is a working day)
Official website:
* * *
Meals for students in Subotica are provided by the Students’ Centre Subotica in two restaurants and four canteens in Subotica. The canteens are located at the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Elektrovojvodina and the Customs Office.
The student restaurants can be found at the following addresses in Subotica:
1. Restaurant I, at 11 Segedinski put,
2. Restaurant II, in the vicinity of the ʻIvo Lola Ribarʼ Student Dormitory.
The students who use food services provided by the Students’ Centre Subotica are required to have a Student Card.
The students whose studies are financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia are entitled to subsidized meal prices. The students whose studies are not financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia and the students whose residence is in the place where they are undertaking their studies are also entitled to use the Students' Centre food servces as well, in which case separate conditions apply.
Official website:
The Students’ Centre provides the students of the University of Novi Sad with accommodation in student dormitories in Novi Sad and Zrenjanin in the following facilities:
1. ʻSlobodan Bajićʼ Student Dormitory, at 10 Dr Sime Miloševića Street, Novi Sad (758 beds, class II),
2. ʻVeljko Vlahovićʼ Student Dormitory, at 8 Dr Sime Miloševića Street, Novi Sad (340 beds, class II),
3. ʻFeješ Klaraʼ Student Dormitory, at 4 Alekse Šantića Street, Novi Sad (120 beds, class I),
4. ʻ23. oktobarʼ Student Dormitory, at 27 Danila Kiša Street, Novi Sad (139 beds, class I),
5. ʻŽivojin Ćulumʻ Student Dormitory, at 5a Despota Stefana Boulevard, Novi Sad (372 beds, class I),
6. ʻCar Lazarʻ Student Dormitory, at 7 Despota Stefana Boulevard, Novi Sad (372 beds, class I),
7. ʻNikola Teslaʼ Student Dormitory, at 7a Despota Stefana Boulevard, Novi Sad (350 beds, class I),
8. ʻSajmišteʼ Student Dormitory, at 17 Slobodana Bajića Street, Novi Sad (262 beds, class I),
9. ʻMihajlo Predićʼ Student Dormitory, at 2/c Jovana Popovića Street, Zrenjanin (208 beds, class II),
10. ʻDr Zoran Đinđićʼ Student Dormitory, at Podgorička bb, Sombor (143 beds, class I).
All students who wish to be entitled to accommodation in student dormitories have to apply to the Call for Admission of Students from Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Serbia to Institutions Providing Accommodation and Meals to Students, opened by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. More detailed information on terms of admission, required documents and other relevant issues regarding the entitlement to accommodation in student dormitories can be found on the Novi Sad Students' Centre official website.
A student who becomes entitled to accommodation in a student dormitory is committed to conclude a Contract on Accommodation in the Student Dormitory with the Students’ Centre Novi Sad. In order to sign the contract, the student must possess a Student Card. Contracts on Accommodation in the Student Dormitory are collected at the Accommodation Service, where further instructions for obtaining the documents required for moving into the dormitory are also provided.
The Accommodation Service also includes the checkout counter for accommodation at which students using the accommodation service pay the rent and overnight accommodation as well as the expenses of moving into the student dormitory.
The Students’ Centre in Subotica provides the students from Subotica with accommodation in student dormitories in the following facilities:
1. ʻIvo Lola Ribarʼ Student Dormitory, at 5 Ferenca Sepa Street, Subotica, (465 beds) and
2. ʻBosa Miličevićʼ Student Dormitory, at 7 Marije Vonić Tošinice Street, Subotica, (304 beds).
More detailed information on required documents and other relevant issues regarding the entitlement to accommodation in student dormitories can be found on the Subotica Student's Centre official website.
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