Verification of documents (diplomas or certificates) issued by the University of Novi Sad (UNS), is a procedure of certifying their authenticity.
In accordance with the University of Novi Sad Council’s Decision, the University charges a fee for the process of verification and the amount depends on the person/entity submitting the request.
Each request should consist of:
If the payment in EUR (or other foreign currency) is made from abroad, the following payment instructions need to be used. If the same payment is made in the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to make the payment into the account in dinars, according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment.
Note: All bank transaction fees are at the expense of the person submitting the request and they are not included in the fees. Please check your bank’s transaction fees prior to making the payment, so as to avoid them being deducted from the amount that needs to be covered for the verification process.
Requests to check a document’s authenticity will be taken into consideration only if all documents are enclosed and the exact amount of fee covered. The procedure of issuing the verification certificate takes at least 5 working days.
Documents need to be sent electronically to the following e-mails: - requests in English language - requests in Serbian language
or sent to the following postal address:
University of Novi Sad
Dr. Zorana Đinđića 1
21102 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia
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