Designing, development and maintenance of the information system and the central computer and communication node supporting the joint information functions of the University of Novi Sad by means of the following:
Hardware support for the functioning of the University’s computer network
- Purchasing, installation and maintenance of the equipment in the central node
- Defining and distribution of hardware standards and recommendations to users
System software support for the functioning of the University’s computer network
- Purchasing, installation and maintenance of the system and communication software in the central node
- Administration of the central node
- Defining and distribution of instructions and recommendations for the administration of local user networks
- Defining and distribution of standards and recommendations to users in the field of system and communication software
Support for the development and maintenance of the application software for the realization of joint functions of the University of Novi Sad
- Designing information systems supporting the University’s joint functions
- Implementing the software supporting the University’s joint functions
- Maintaining the software supporting the University’s joint functions
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