Mission and Vision
The University of Novi Sad is an autonomous higher education, scientific and research institution with a mission to achieve a high quality educational process, to develop scientific disciplines and to transfer the acquired knowledge into the economy and society. The University is dedicated to the realization of its mission which is based on successful outcomes in education, research and scientific work, and their application in practice. The University also directs its activities toward individual development, the endorsement of basic human rights and freedoms, as well as the creation of equal opportunities and the achievement of equality and inclusiveness during the course of study and work. Only in this way can the University achieve its vision to reach, as an equal partner in the European Higher Education and Research Area, the highest levels of excellence and claim its place among the leading institutions.
Success and fairness in research, and within research organizations, includes the use of gender-sensitive knowledge. In the broadest sense, the term gender-sensitive knowledge refers to the understanding of gender patterns and the circumstances they derive from. If the intuitions which provide knowledge maintain gender inequality, it can deprive the very nature of knowledge of its far-reaching capacity and complexity. Bearing this in mind, the aspirations toward creating a gender-sensitive and fair academic environment are of great significance.
The Committee for Gender Equality
The University of Novi Sad is committed to achieving gender equality and, to a certain extent, it has already integrated the principles of gender equality and anti-discriminatory policies in its key documents and practices. As an additional step toward strengthening its policies of equality and raising awareness of the importance of gender equality, the University Senate founded the Committee for Gender Equality, at its Session held on 24th June 2021, following the initiative of the University Rector. The Committee was formed with the main task of adopting the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Novi Sad, as well as of monitoring its realization and encouraging activities for promotion of gender equality.
The University Committee for Gender Equality, as an expert and advisory board of the University Senate, consists of prominent members from the University academic community, among teaching and non-teaching staff and students from different faculties, who have the experience and expertise in the field of gender equality. The President of the Committee is the Rector of the University, by position.
Members of the University Committee for Gender Equality
(term of office 2021-2024*)
Professor Dejan Madić, PhD, Rector of the University of Novi Sad, President of the Committee
Professor Vladislava Gordić-Petković, PhD, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Professor Senad Jašarević, PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad
Professor Zorana Lužanin, PhD, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Professor Ivana Kovačić, PhD, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Professor Višnja Đorđić, PhD, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad
Assistant Professor Katarina Kanurić, PhD, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad
Assistant Professor Karolina Lendak-Kabok, PhD, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Dragana Vujović, Secretary General of the University
Vladimir Todorović, University of Novi Sad
Johana Tot, student, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Professor Artur Bjelica, PhD, Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad
* The term of office of the Committee members is three years. The University Senate founded the Committee on 24th June 2021.
Gender Studies at UNS
The University of Novi Sad has been one of the leaders in the development of Gender Studies, creating experts in this interdisciplinary field as the only university in the region that offered the first study programmes of Gender Studies in the academic year 2003/2004. The first generation of students of master academic studies was enrolled in 2006/2007. In the same academic year, the University also welcomed its first generation of students of the doctoral academic programme in Gender Studies. 27 students (25 female and 2 male students) graduated from the master academic programme, whereas 12 students (11 female and 1 male students) finished their doctoral academic studies.
The University strives to keep this tradition and further develop Gender Studies within the University Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research – UCIMSI
The Gender Equality Plan of the University of Novi Sad 2022-2024 was adopted by the University Senate at the Senate Session held 23rd December 2022. The Plan is a strategic and action document of the University and its member institutions that provides mechanisms to build an institutional culture of gender equality and diversity, integrate gender perspective in study programmes, provide gender equality knowledge transfer to the wider community, promote the quality of University life and work, and also strengthen gender equality in career development – in scientific and art research.
The priority areas (9) that have been introduced through the Plan were defined based on the guidelines given by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). They are the result of an analysis of a gender equality state-of-play at the University of Novi Sad, based on statistical data processing.
National and institutional legal framework for achievement of gender equality (in Serbian)
The University of Novi Sad strives to promote gender equality, in accordance with its Gender Equality Plan 2022-2024, through the activities of the Gender Equality Committee. In addition, the University activities in the field of gender equality promotion have been intensified through the participation of the University of Novi Sad in two international projects: UNIGEM and UniSAFE. Furthermore, the University strives to nurture and further develop Gender Studies within the University Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research (UCIMSI). Finally, UNS has organized a number of other activities focused on advancement of gender equality at the University.
Contact for questions in the field of gender equality at UNS: ravnopravnost@uns.ac.rs
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