Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme
Internationalisation as a Measure of Quality in Higher Education, Science and HE Services
EUGLOH 2.0 & friends
University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia
25-26 May 2023 (virtual part)
29 May – 2 June 2023 (physical part)
BIP vision:
It is of crucial importance to be aware and take note of the incredible scope, depth and level of the process of internationalisation in higher education, science and services and its many different, but interrelated facets, in order to truly appreciate and understand its impact and effectively participate in its implementation. The process of internationalisation needs to be examined as a wide-ranging capacity building and quality raising mechanism for university and faculty teaching, research and service provision, whereas many often invisible added values, multiplying effects and networking, which go beyond obvious facts and figures, should be highlighted in a comprehensive way.
Profile of participants: Administrative and academic staff members from partner universities in EUGLOH 2.0 and other European HEI UNS partners, who are involved, directly or indirectly, in the process of internationalisation at their institution.
Time frame:
25-26 May 2023 (virtual programme)
29 May – 2 June 2023 (physical programme)
Programme Erasmus+ KA131 UNS - BIP
Application process:
- Candidates must apply for the Erasmus+ KA131 BIP grant at their home institution;
- The home institution nominates its candidate(s) - home institutions are encouraged to have an internal call;
- While applying, the candidates can show interest in the BIP and establish contact with the International Relations Office of the University of Novi Sad ( for any questions, support or pre-invitation letters, needed for applying for the grant at the home institution;
- Deadline for nominations of a candidate by his/her home institution to UNS IRO ( 28 April 2023
Virtual part: 25-26 May 2023
- About the University of Novi Sad
- About the European University Alliance EUGLOH 2.0
- Trends and new requirements in internationalisation (ECHE 2021-2027)
- Introduction to the UNS BIP programme and its venue
- Introduction to Workshop 1 (science and education)
- Intoduction to Workshop 2 (educational projects)
- Guest lecture on Multilingualism
- Q&A
Physical part: 29 May 2023 – 2 June 2023
(interactive lectures, presentations, workshops, case study discussions, visits)
- Welcome and opening ceremony
- Let's Go Digital
- Challenges of digitalisation at university libraries
- Digitalisation of Student Services for foreign and local students
- Measuring internationalisation
- Internationalisation in scientific work and collaboration
- Submission of international research papers
- Applying for international scientific projects
- Internationalisation through Erasmus+ KA2 projects
- Green University
- Science for Environmental Policy
- Knowledge triangle - Students-Academia-Industry
- EdTech talents - Horizon Europe project
- Development of cooperation with regions outside Europe (Latin America)
- Challenges of academic mobility in the field of Arts
- Implementation of Erasmus+ mobility projects in a new programme status of Serbia
- How to (not) give up on internationalisation: focus on mobility
- Challenges of organising international (particularly multi-lingual) scientific conferences
- Role of students in internationalisation
- Cultural visits, tours and joint social events related to UNS, Novi Sad, Vojvodina and Serbia
- Closing ceremony