The University of Novi Sad informs the UNS incoming Erasmus+ students who are currently using their mobility period at the University of Novi Sad that the Government of the Republic of Serbia took additional measures to prevent coronavirus from spreading:
More information about these measures is available on the official website of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
The University of Novi Sad kindly asks the students to respect the official measures and to stay in their apartments in this period.
Under the new measures, public gatherings both out in the open and indoors can be organized only if the space between two people is at least two meters and not more than one person is allowed on a space of four square meters. Facility owners are obliged to put up signs with the total number of people allowed inside. The measure does not include people who cannot implement it because of the nature of their job.
All of the citizens at the territory of the Republic of Serbia were assured by the President of the Republic of Serbia and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia that the health care has faced this situation with readiness, taking all the necessary measures to minimize the number of the infected. New facilities are well equipped and prepared in case of an increased number of affected persons.
Price limitations for basic foodstuffs and essential safety equipment are set up, and the recommendation of the Government is not to make food supplies since the Republic of Serbia has supplies of basic foodstuffs for 12 months.
The University of Novi Sad urges the students to closely monitor the situation, regularly follow the official advice from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia during their stay at the University of Novi Sad and to also be informed about the ongoing situation in their respective countries. The University advices students to stay in touch with their coordinators and the embassies of theirs home countries.
In terms of the teaching process at UNS, the students are advised to follow the situation at the faculties and be in touch, whenever necessary, with their academic and administrative Erasmus+ coordinators.
In terms of the possibility of leaving the Republic of Serbia, the foreign students at the University of Novi Sad are advised to use planes as the only means of transport, since the buses and vans do not operate due to a decision of mandatory quarantine of two weeks for every person who wants to enter the Republic of Serbia. Before taking that decision, it is important that the students inform academic and administrative coordinators at the University of Novi Sad and their home institution because of the possibility to continue or cancel mobility and scholarship. Also, the students are required to contact the embassies of their home countries in the Republic of Serbia and inform themselves about the entering their home country and respective conditions, such as the possibility of staying in quarantine. The list of all embassies in the territory of the Republic of Serbia is available at the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.
In order to protect their health and the health of others, the students are urged to take all necessary and precautionary measures of protection. In case of developing fever, cough, shortness of breath and heavy breathing, the students are urged to seek medical advice promptly. The epidemic service telephone numbers are listed below.
The University of Novi Sad strives to offer maximum support to all of its students and their good health is a priority. Furthermore, the University continues to closely follow the on-going situation and to react accordingly.
More detailed information
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut"
Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
Provincial Secretary of Higher Education, Science and Research
Official Contacts:
National epidemic service telephone numbers
- Ministry of Health- Special number for questions about coronavirus COVID-19: 064 8945 235
- Institute for Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”: 011 2684 566
Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina: 064/8028-894, 064/8028-895, 064/802-88-96
Other official epidemic service telephone number in the Republic of Serbia
Student Health Care Centre Novi Sad Health team: 021/4870 558, 021/4870 547 (from 7 am to 7.30 pm)
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