International students who are interested in study exchanges within the Erasmus+ programme should first refer to their home institution in order to see whether there is an active and funded inter-institutional agreement with the University of Novi Sad. If there is an inter-institutional agreement, students will get relevant information and procedures on how to apply for bachelor, masters or PhD exchanges and which fields of study are supported.
Also, interested international students can take a look at the overview of Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements of the University of Novi Sad.
Academic and administrative Erasmus+ KA1 coordinators at University of Novi Sad
The University of Novi Sad has been part of 16 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 networks for the Western Balkans from 2008:
Basileus 1
Basileus 2
Basileus 3
Basileus 4
Basileus 5
JoinEU-SEE 1
JoinEU-SEE 2
JoinEU-SEE 3
JoinEU-SEE 4
JoinEU-SEE Penta
Eraweb 1
EM2 Stem
Sigma Agile
International students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship only if their HOME university is included in the network and if there is an ONGOING open competition.
Please view the Practical Guide prepared by the International Relations Office for all Erasmus Mundus incoming students.
CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies", which is an exchange programme for students and professors. The Central CEEPUS office is located in Vienna. Current member countries are: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
Starting from October 2015, the new CEEPUS National coordinator for the Republic of Serbia is TEMPUS FOUNDATION - National CEEPUS Office (address Žabljačka 12, 11000 Beograd).
The basic aims of the programme are establishing multilateral cooperation through academic mobility within the region of the Middle and South Europe, promoting the programme and networks, especially joint diplomas, the promotion of understanding and specificity of the region and assistance in establishing European Higher Education Area.
The programme enables mobility of students and university professors, as well as language courses and trips. The important characteristic of the programme are university networks which are based on the cooperation among at least three universities, on the condition that all three universities involved are located in different CEEPUS member countries.
There is no list of priorities, as in other programmes and all academic fields are accepted. University networks are chosen by computer-based selection. One stage in the process of the selection is at the national and the other is at the international level. In order to complete the procedure of academic recognition for all the participants of the programme successfully, it is necessary that universities which participate in the joint network have already established the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System for the courses and a compatible grading system. It is also necessary that a university offers specific courses in English, German or French. Both students and professors who have good knowledge of the English language from all state universities in the Republic of Serbia regardless of the academic field or profession may apply.
Within the programme there is no transfer of financial resources. Each participating country finances its incoming students and professors. The amount of the scholarship is determined according to the level of the economic standard of the participating country.
CEEPUS III programme has entered into force starting from May 1, 2011 and it will be active for the next seven years after which it will be automatically prolonged for the next seven years. The programme has been prolonged until April 1, 2025. The new agreement will extend the CEEPUS by an additional seven years, from 2025 to 2032.
The amounts of the scholarships from the academic year 2023/24, which will be paid to incoming students and professors in the Republic of Serbia are:
Please visit:
Selection criteria for the participation in the networks (pdf)
University of Novi Sad is the only university in Serbia that has participated in the program Campus Europae - CE ( since 2004. CE is an initiative of the European University Foundation, whereby student exchanges were facilitated within 18 European universities. CE is also the first student exchange program that was carried out at the University of Novi Sad (financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research). It is important to note that with the majority of partners who participated in CE, University of Novi Sad has significantly extended the cooperation through Erasmus plus program (K1-student and staff exchanges). Given the recent changes related to CE program, European University Foundation - EUF has now focused on new forms of collaboration among its university members (
The European University Foundation (EUF) is a European network of universities which stands for diversity and social fairness in higher education and aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. The network deploys intensive cooperation and policy experimentation under five key pillars:
(1) Quality mobility for all
(2) Digital Higher Education both for governance and the provision of education
(3) Entrepreneurship and employability skills of graduates
(4) Policy innovation at national and European level
(5) Active citizenship of students
The network's key activities are designed to build capacity and expertise among administrative and academic staff members, to raise awareness of EU policy goals and actions, and to enable policy dialogue between practitioners, policy-makers and stakeholders.
The activities are underpinned by a modern approach to high quality student mobility - as a driver to advance and intensify cooperation in higher education. The network supports member universities in setting up strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances and capacity building activities to achieve the goals set in each of the pillars.
The main support and services offered to EUF members are:
EUF website:
EUF team contact:
EUF contact at the level of UNS:
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