The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) held a seminar at the University of Novi Sad, on the 17th and 18th of March, 2016, for the members of Higher Education Reforms Expert Teams (HERE) entitled “Joint study programmes and joint degrees: strategy, management, implementation”.
The Seminar was organized in cooperation with the Consortium for Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Expert Teams (SPHERE), which consists of the University of Barcelona (coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA).
The participants of the seminar, i.e. the members of Higher Education Reforms Expert Teams from different partner countries and other European experts dealt with the topics related to planning and designing joint study programmes, more flexible implementation of joint study programmes and obtaining multiple and joint degrees, as well as with topics related to management, promotion and sustainability of these programmes.
Also, the participants presented the existing directions and good practices developed within European projects and initiatives and offered strategic advice. What was also discussed were regulatory conditions and necessary frameworks at the national level that are needed to implement joint study programmes and to recognize the obtained degrees.
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