The University of Novi Sad delegation, led by the Rector Prof. Dr. Dejan Madić and the Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Dr. Sabina Halupka-Rešetar, took part in the Annual Summit of the European University Association for Global Health – EUGLOH, hosted by the University of Lund, Sweden, 12-14 June 2023. With more than 300 representatives from all nine EUGLOH partner universities as well as all four associated partner universities, the event programme was designed around the theme “Building Bridges between Education and Research”.
The official opening of the summit took place on June 13 in the grand hall of the 141-year-old main building of Lund University. Welcome remarks were given by Erik Renström, Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, Alva Söderbäck, Vice President of the Lund University Student Union, Sandrine Lacombe, EUGLOH Coordinator and Mats Helmfrid, Mayor and Chairman of the City Council of Lund, as well as Mats Persson, Minister for Education at the Ministry of Education and Research in Sweden.
The various sessions, study visits and working meetings that followed the opening ceremony focused on three key themes: Art and Health, Agenda 2030, and EU – a vision of an integrated education, research and innovation area. The participants list also included 60 student representatives, who attended the Annual Summit as part of their engagement in EUGLOH Local Student Boards on their respective campuses.
The EUGLOH Annual Summit is held every year at a different member university. It offers the chance to establish new projects for education, research, innovation, and start-ups, to identify new professional opportunities, and generally to increase the visibility and impact of the Alliance and its partner institutions. In 2024, the Annual Summit will be held at the University of Szeged, Hungary, again from June 12 to 14.
EUGLOH Annual Summit in Lund 2024 Website
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