The University of Novi Sad is joining the Open Access Week which is to be held in October 22-28, 2018 and is dedicated to Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia adopted the Open Science Platform, which obliges all universities to create institutional repositories for depositing scientific research work.
The University of Novi Sad, within the Erasmus+ project BE-OPEN (Boosting Engagement of Serbian Universities in Open Science) is going to create an institutional repository. In order to facilitate the creation of pages for each researcher by downloading published data from existing databases, such as SCOPUS, it is necessary for all researchers to create their own ORCID account. By doing this, re-entering the research data by scientists will be avoided. А team of the University of Novi Sad is actively working on solving the takeover of national references (references from national databases).
ORCID is a unique researcher identifier that facilitates the identification of authors and allows downloading data on their references from different databases. Creating an ORCID account is simple and involves only three steps: entering name and surname, email address and password.
The researchers at the University of Novi Sad can support marking of Open Access Week by opening an ORCID account available at:
More information about Open Access and Open Science in Serbia is available at the new National Open Science Portal:
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