The University of Novi Sad hosted a JRC Summer School, which focused on research and evaluation of air, soil and water pollution. The School was successfully organized September 4-8, 2023, bringing together about 30 young researchers and students from country and the region, with special interest in the field of environmental protection and climate.
The Summer School on the evaluation of air, soil and water pollution in support to the European Green Deal: a holistic approach was organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, in partnership with the University of Novi Sad. The programme covered an array of topics related to the evaluation of air, soil and water pollution.
During the official opening of the School on 4th September, the participants were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Sabina Halupka Rešetar, who presented detailed information about the University, with special emphasis on its diversified international cooperation. The Vice-Rector also talked about the participation of the University of Novi Sad in the European University Alliance EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health), which is based on a strategic partnership between nine European universities, bringing fresh opportunities to strengthen the quality of higher education and research through joint activities within the Alliance. Professor Rešetar also mentioned that apart from international mobility of students and staff, as well as other forms of cooperation, the EUGLOH vision includes a creation of an integrated virtual European campus for this large international academic community.
The introductory session was continued with the presentation given by Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vesković from the Faculty of Sciences. Thanks to his active engagement in the activities of the Joint Research Centre and rich experience within other European institutions in recent years, Professor Vesković shared his valuable insights about the role of science in the Western Balkan region. Dr. Marilena Muntean, the School coordinator from the Joint Research Centre, concluded this part of the programme, with the presentation on environment and climate in EU Enlargement and EC/JRC project.
Apart from the lectures and presentations held by key experts in their field at the University of Novi Sad Rectorate Building, during a five-day intensive programme the participants also had an opportunity to experience practical applications through study visits organized at the laboratories at the Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Technical Sciences.
Furthermore, the participants had the possibility to learn how to use the JRC tools for emissions and impact evaluation, become familiar with novel methods to improve water quality and soil health and discover more about advanced measurement techniques.
The uniqueness of this event consisted of learning from JRC experts in the fields of air, soil and water pollution, sharing knowledge and expertise with other students in the Western Balkans region, and enlarging their scientific networks.
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